to the kyle broflovski zine page
Howdy-ho! You're currently looking at the carrd for the Kyle Broflovski Fanzine Project.
Click on any of the options below for more information!
art by @shouriii on twitter
What is this project about?
This will be a fanzine dedicated to the South Park character, Kyle Broflovski.
What's a fanzine, you say? A fanzine is a magazine made by fans for other fans.
With this definition in mind, this fanzine will accept both fanfic and fanart about Kyle.
What's the format of this project? It will be digital only and free, because we want to accept as many collaborators as possible and printed zines, for money reasons, have to restrict participants. Additionally, we want as many Kyle fans as possible to enjoy this product, and this can be more easily attained if the fanzine is FREE.
So, to sum it up, we will be making together a free, digital fanzine about Kyle, featuring both fanart and fanfic.
art by @shouriii on twitter
art by @shouriii on twitter
- To participate, you must fill the application. In case of being accepted, you will receive a confirmation mail, along with an invite to our discord server.
- People who engage in harassment of any type will not be accepted in the zine.
- This zine is +16, meaning anyone from 16 years old and older can apply.
- If you're a writer, you must be fluent in english, as we're only accepting fanfics in english.
- The entries can feature content such as drugs, mild violence but nothing overly explicit.
- Collaborations are allowed but both contributors must fill the form!
- This is not a shipping zine. Entries can include other characters to showcase relationships (family, friends etc), but please no ship art. We want this zine to focus on Kyle himself, as a character.
- This zine is non-profit so monetizing it in any way is not allowed.
- We know Kyle ships are a point of contention but in this occasion we're joining forces to create something beautiful for him. We ask you to remain civil even if you have conflicting fandom point of views'.
- The organizers are allowed to not people for any reason they deem fit. In the same vein, they can also remove members at any moment during the zine period.
- If you got accepted but can no longer participate, let us know. We can't and shouldn't be chasing after you for updates. Be responsible and respectful of our time as well. Failure to abide might result in permanent blacklisting from future projects.
- This project is being done for fun but the organizers have their own lives to attend as well. Be patient and understanding with us.
- Communication is key. Please let the organizers know if you have any problem or need more time! We're glad to help but we can't read your mind!
Estimated Timeline
Bear in mind these dates are an approximate.
Format is DD/MM/YYYY
Date | Phase |
6/05/2022 | Applications for helpers open |
15/05/2022 | Applications for helpers close |
26/05/2022 | Applications for contributors open |
18/06/2022 | Applications for contributors close |
25/06/2022 | Contributors are chosen and sent a confirmation mail + an invitation to the Discord server |
25/07/2022 | First Submission Check-In |
25/08/2022 | Second Submission Check-In |
25/09/2022 | Zine submission deadline (11:59PM GMT-8) |
TBA | Kyle Zine is published online |
art by @shouriii on twitter